
Allow subscribing to new/merged/closed PRs separately #519 (Solved)

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closed PRs separately

The Problem Stated by RichardNias:

"Apologies first of all if this issue already exists. And also thanks for this integration, really enjoying it so far.

I think it would be quire nice if we could configure which pull request events we can subscribe to. Something like:

pulls:all - Opened, closed and merged PRs pulls:new - Opened PRs pulls:closed - Closed PRs pulls:merged - Merged PRs pulls - same as pulls:all, default (keeping current behaviour). The use case for this is we have a channel where we like to post PRs that are ready for review, but is mainly used as a discussion channel which we don't want to be full of unneeded messages. We have another channel where we subscribe to all activity for reference.

I'm happy to give this a go, will look at opening a PR in the next few days unless someone is already working on something similar."

State as of September 2023

With 363 👍 reactions and 122 💬 comments, this issue ranks as the second-highest on the GitHub / Slack Repository, highlighting its relevance and urgency.

Problem Identified with this Issue:

  1. It's hard to know what is the state of a pull request.
  2. Notification clutter leading to a disorganized Slack workspace and decreased team engagement.

1 Channel, 1 State: Proposed Solution by RichardNias

RichardNias proposes creating separate Slack channels for different states of pull requests, such as:

  • #merged-pull-requests
  • #closed-pull-requests
  • #new-pull-requests

Updated Notifications and 1 Channel per Pull Request: Proposed Solution by Axolo

Axolo addresses this issue in a three-fold manner:

  1. A general channel notifies the team about new pull requests.

    notifications status

    In this screenshot you can see new pull request create a notification. Then this notification is automatically updated with

    1)The status of the pull request (open, closed, merged, draft, waiting for review, WIP) and 2) The status of the reviewers and assignees

  2. Real-time updates are provided for each pull request, indicating its current status—be it WIP, waiting for review, draft, merged, or closed.

  3. A dedicated Slack channel is created for each pull request, involving only the relevant engineers—assignees, creators, and reviewers—for focused discussion and updates.

    1 channel 1 pr

    Each pull request creates a channel. Reviewers are automatically invited and all the discussions is mirrored from Slack to GitHub and vice versa. You'll also find all relevant information about your PR (CI/CD etc..)

How to Get Started with Axolo

Ready to streamline your PR management? Here's how:

  1. Brief your team about Axolo's methodology.
  2. Follow the onboarding steps at Axolo's App.
  3. Begin managing your pull requests efficiently through Slack.

Axolo is a Slack app to help techteams review pull request seamlessly

Axolo User Experiences

2480+ developers online

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Anubhav MalikAnubhav Malik

We used to send each other our GitHub PR links on Slack to ask for a review. Having Axolo made it a zero-effort thing. Having discussions on Slack is much more natural and Axolo does a great job doing it. The support is amazing as well! Arthur and Sydney proactively reach out to ask if we're facing any issues and even released one feature request within hours!


Axolo is a must-have for teams using GitHub. My team can discuss pull requests without leaving Slack now. Axolo helped us merge pull requests faster in a more seamless way. I was waiting for this product for so long!

Dee EvansDee Evans

I've been a CTO at various companies for a decade now. One of my biggest pain points has always been PR review responsiveness. I've tried so many home baked solutions. Axolo is the app that solves the problem perfectly.


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